VTK-Balloons Parameter RAM Verify Error. Varityper, A Tegra Company Font Characters unlisted error text write permissions error permissions error file already open with write permission duplicate file name file is busy volume is locked file is locked diskette is write-protected file not found too many files open End of File bad name I/O Error no such volume disk full Directory full File Manager Error # del Page Down Page Up Help End Home Cmd- Shift- CapsLock- Opt- Control- AltShift- AltOpt- AltCmd- Space Down Arrow Up Arrow Right Arrow Left Arrow Escape Return Tab Delete Enter Control- The textfile creator type must be exactly four characters in length. Please enter some sample text. Varityper ToolKit Help VTK-PREF Key Name(?): LaserWriter The data fork of this file is empty. Save statistics as: Complete (%): Downloading is not available. The printer This file could not be downloaded. Processing... End communication with printer: Connection established. Establishing connection with: Looking for printer: Printer Messages Program Messages (Command-Period to cancel) Printer Communications Window Save feedback as: Builtin PS GetResource Error. The LaserWriter name could not be read. The PAP routines could not be loaded. The LaserWriter file could not be opened. sfnt N Y NFNT FONT Family Name PtSz Sys Style Bytes FONDID FONTID Rsrc Colors Font maximum reached. Insufficient RAM to parse resident fonts Printer resident: Error reading Preference File. It may be an older version. Please save your preferences again (see the Preferences item in the Edit Menu). This program requires at least a Macintosh Plus with System 6.0.4 or greater. TestFEF Error creating new file. Save list as... FEF File: Save FEF as... Font Environment File: FOND ID Font Name (consistent fonts common to both systems) If 'Our' document calls for: Result: (if called by number/name) If 'Their' document calls for: Result: (if called by number/name) 'Our' FOND ID's and Names 'Their' FOND ID's and Names Default This file has no entries. Memory allocation error. Operation aborted. Monaco Helvetica Page Printing Error# (sys) No fonts found in this document. Low memory. Fonts will not be sorted. Fonts found in: Memory allocation error. Copy aborted. Monaco Error creating new file. (A locked file of the same name might already exist.) BIUOSCE ITC- (mono) ID Press Key (n/a) (none) No Yes PtSz Style Bytes ID Rsrc Colors